Upgrade Sharepoint services to Sharepoint Portal
(too old to reply)
2007-11-08 13:28:28 UTC
We have Project 2007 Enterprise install in a "Large Farm" configuration. At
this point we only have 3 servers in the farm, but anticipate many more in
the near future. My question is... With the default install of Project
Enterprise, Windows Sharepoint Services are installed can I up grade these
services or I guess essentially lay Sharepoint Portal Server ( 2007 Version
I believe is called "Office SharePoint Server") over the top of this
installation of SharePoint Services?
Mike Glen
2007-11-08 20:47:00 UTC

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Mike Glen
Project MVP
Post by PGM
We have Project 2007 Enterprise install in a "Large Farm"
configuration. At this point we only have 3 servers in the farm, but
anticipate many more in the near future. My question is... With the
default install of Project Enterprise, Windows Sharepoint Services
are installed can I up grade these services or I guess essentially
lay Sharepoint Portal Server ( 2007 Version I believe is called "Office
SharePoint Server") over the top of this installation of
SharePoint Services?